Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)


The intention behind this thread is to clarify what type of macros are permitted in Path of Exile, and which are against the rules. Whenever I make a claim - particularly about something not being okay - I shall try to provide a publicly available source. Please understand that I'm not an employee, and I do have other demands on my time - this list may not be exhaustive. I'll try to gradually add more information, more sources, and replace existing sources with better ones.

If you're aware of something I've missed which you would like to see added, feel free to post a link and I'll update the guide as soon as I can. Any help would certainly be appreciated!


Does it matter if I am using AHK, proprietary software, etc?

No. It is important to understand that in the eyes of the developers they are creating rules based on what a player may or may not do - not specifically how a player may go about doing so. Using AutoHotKey, or software which came with your mouse or keyboard, or even a physical solution such as a popsicle stick would all be viewed the same way.


Why are GGG inconsistent when it comes to "actions" ?

When GGG discuss whether a macro is permitted, it is common to see them mention the most prominent rule which is that "a macro can only result in a single action." Sometimes players are confused why macros which seemingly do multiple things were approved.

The answer is that when GGG are referring to actions they're talking about "server-side actions" - or what your character does - and not how you interact with the UI. For example: you can use a macro to send the /oos chat command. While that macro replaces multiple mouse and keyboard interactions, you are sending a single command - in GGG's eyes, a single action.

My macro does something automatically. Is that okay?

A macro must be something you activate manually by interacting with your mouse or keyboard. One which, for example, pops a flask or logs you out when you reach a specific health threshold would be considered to be a form of automation and thus not permitted.


  • (Direct) Jared_GGG agreeing with mark1030

Can a macro include a timer?



  • (Direct) Yeran_GGG on the forum
  • (Direct) Chris on the forum

Can a macro move the mouse cursor, then click on something?



  • (Direct) I e-mailed GGG about this and was told that it would "definitely constitute botting".

Could you provide a complete list of rules pertaining to macros?

Unfortunately I am not aware of one. It was actually the challenge of knowing which macros were permissible that led me to creating this resource. I'd love it if other people checked it out and found it useful - but even if that doesn't happen, it'll be useful for me.

Hi could you help me write a macro to do {thing} ?

That's outside the scope of this thread. While I've done similar stuff in the past I'm not used to the relevant syntax so there are probably others better able to help you with this.


Can I use a macro which activates all of my flasks at once?

No. The most commonly cited rule pertaining to macros is "one action per key press."

Using a flask is considered an action - and using multiple flasks is thus viewed as performing multiple actions. To press a single button resulting in multiple actions being taken would be regarded as partially automated gameplay. That is absolutely not allowed.


  • (Direct) Rob_GGG on the forum
  • (Direct) Yeran_GGG on the forum

Can I click a macro several times to use multiple flasks?

No; macros which alternate, or rotate, between multiple actions aren't approved.


  • (Direct) I spoke to Chris about this specific kind of macro.
  • (Indirect) Forum thread

Can I use a macro to send a chat command, or other chat message?

Yes. It is totally fine to use a macro to say thanks for the trade :) or to send chat commands such as /hideout or /oos. GGG views each of these as being a single action.


  • (Direct) Chris on the forum
  • (Direct) Yeran_GGG on the forum

Can my macro send /oos and perform another action?

No. While sending a chat message or command is viewed as a single action, that action does count against the maximum number of actions (one) a macro may perform.

As a side note, Mark_GGG notes that doing so would potentially make things worse.


  • (Direct) Rob_GGG on the forum

Can a macro send the same message to multiple chat channels?

No. A macro performing multiple actions, or a single action multiple times, is not okay. You have caused the first and the subsequent actions are automated - not unlike botting.


  • (Direct) Yeran_GGG on the forum [Scroll up for context]

Can I use a macro for attacking in place?

GGG has given this macro a reluctant approval.


  • (Indirect) Post in this thread


Can GGG detect it if I do X?

I am not an employee and this is outside the scope of the guide.

Ultimately you are, or are not, willing to risk your account.

If GGG catch me doing Y how would I be punished?

I am not an employee and this is outside the scope of the guide.

How do I report someone for using a disallowed macro?

Send an e-mail to and they'll forward it for you.

My friend uses a macro which does {thing} and wasn't banned!

That's nice... not really a question, but nice all the same.

There are people out there who have religiously bought a lottery ticket every week for decades who have never won more than a few hundred euros at a time, and others who won the jackpot the first time they bought a ticket. If you break the rules, and GGG catches you, "but my friend" won't stop them from taking any actions against you which they believe appropriate.

“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.

Last edited by Sarno on Mar 31, 2023, 6:05:33 AM

Last bumped on Jun 5, 2024, 1:20:21 PM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (1)

Posted by
on Jan 22, 2018, 1:09:40 PM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (2)

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Are alternative mouse cursors permitted?



“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.

Last edited by Sarno on Jul 25, 2020, 11:10:41 AM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (3)

Posted by
on Jan 22, 2018, 1:09:47 PM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (4)

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stuff to do

  • Investigate inventory-related stuff.
  • Adjust colours for greater contrast.

“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.

Last edited by Sarno on Jan 4, 2020, 3:51:53 AM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (5)

Posted by
on Jan 22, 2018, 1:09:51 PM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (6)

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“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (7)

Posted by
on Jan 22, 2018, 1:10:00 PM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (8)

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Not Reserved (because I can) :P

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (9)

Posted by
on Jan 22, 2018, 2:37:15 PM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (10)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (11)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (12)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (13)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (14)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (15)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (16)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (17)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (18)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (19)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (20)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (21)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (22)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (23)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (24)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (25)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (26)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (27)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (28)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (29)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (30)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (31)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (32)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (33)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (34)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (35)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (36)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (37)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (38)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (39)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (40)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (41)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (42)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (43)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (44)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (45)

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (46)

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Ooh this is a good idea. Will bookmark!

Specific macros: attack in place is okay. Source: email exchange with Bex.

Have you done something awesome with [url=]Sire of Shards[/url]? PM me and tell me all about it!

Last edited by viperesque on Jan 22, 2018, 11:30:26 PM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (47)

Posted by
on Jan 22, 2018, 10:15:58 PM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (48)

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viperesque wrote:

Ooh this is a good idea. Will bookmark!

Specific macros: attack in place is okay. Source: email exchange between with Bex.


That’s an interesting one... a very authoritative source, but not exactly a ringing endorsem*nt.

“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (49)

Posted by
on Jan 22, 2018, 11:27:13 PM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (50)

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Nice guide, have bookmarked it for reference!

One other thing I see people commonly asking about:

Open inventory -> click portal scroll (not allowed, two actions)

Assume inventory is already open -> move mouse to where portal scroll is, click (one server-side action) - I don't know if this is allowed. Seems to fit the letter of the law, not sure about the spirit.

Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash on Jan 23, 2018, 3:04:32 AM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (51)

Posted by
on Jan 23, 2018, 2:01:01 AM

Valued Poster

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (52)

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Abdiel_Kavash wrote:

Nice guide, have bookmarked it for reference!

One other thing I see people commonly asking about:

Open inventory -> click portal scroll (not allowed, two actions)

Assume inventory is already open -> move mouse to where portal scroll is, click (one server-side action) - I don't know if this is allowed. Seems to fit the letter of the law, not sure about the spirit.

Thanks. :)

“Please understand that imposing strong negative views regarding our team on to other players when you are representing our most helpful forum posters is not appropriate.” — GGG 2022


I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (53)

Posted by
on Jan 23, 2018, 3:24:07 AM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (54)

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Useful, thank you for creating that thread.


Sarno wrote:

[...]Whenever I make a claim - particularly about something not being okay - I shall try to provide a publicly available source. [...]

Godlike attitude - may the Force be with you!

"Let the day dawn golden with possibility." ~ Izaro Phrecius

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (55)

Posted by
on Jan 23, 2018, 10:42:46 AM

Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (56)

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Help and Information - [Guide] What a macro is allowed to do in Path of Exile - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)


Are macros allowed in PoE? ›

No. The most commonly cited rule pertaining to macros is "one action per key press." Using a flask is considered an action - and using multiple flasks is thus viewed as performing multiple actions. To press a single button resulting in multiple actions being taken would be regarded as partially automated gameplay.

What is the trade macro tool in PoE? ›

PoE TradeMacro is an Autohotkey (AHK) script that provides several convenient QoL features for Path of Exile Trading. This builds on top of PoE-ItemInfo which provides very useful item information on ctrl+c. With TradeMacro, price checking is added via alt+d, alt+shift+d or alt+i.

Can you get banned using a macro? ›

Games with Anti-Cheats can see & punish for macros if they're used to give an unfair advantage, ie cheating. Don't use macros in protected games to avoid the risk. Do note, anti-cheats can also see running tasks attempting to hook into the game and will issue a ban if it's used for cheating.

Is awakened poe trade legal? ›

Can I get banned for using it? There are no approved apps created by community. If app complies with the game ToS, does one server action per button press and doesn't interact with the game client itself (injecting into the process, changing the process memory aka cheats) it can be considered safe.

What is the shortcut for Poe trade macro? ›

alt + dPrice item on
alt + shift + dAdvanced item search for uniques .
alt + cSee item info (via PoE-ItemInfo).
alt + iOpens a text input where you can type an item name to search for.
6 more rows


GitHub Pages
GitHub Pages

How do you bulk trade items in Poe? ›

Listing items in bulk is simple, input your Chaos Orbs or Divine Orbs price as a fraction instead of a whole number using the following fraction 'Price/Quantity'. For Gemcutter's Prisms the example listing quantity would be 5 (Price/5) and price would be 10 (10/quantity) so our listing price should be 10/5.

Are macros illegal in games? ›

Attended macro use is permitted as long as it is not exploitative, and as long as it does not provide the user with an unfair advantage over other players. Unattended macro use is prohibited under any circ*mstances.

Is AHK allowed in PoE? ›

Chris (PoE's lead developer) has said that AHK use is fine, as long as a single keypress doesn't generate more than a single server-side event. Moreover, he specifically forbids the use of scripts that automatically fire abilities on a timer like that- that's a bannable offence.

Are PoE addons allowed? ›

The addon is currently OK, it dose not get you could be used in a way that could get you banned or changed in a way that could get you banned.

Do pro players use macros? ›

There isn't a lot of official evidence that supports the use of macros, but there are a lot of professional players that claim that players with macros have a huge advantage over other players.


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